I am Vardhini born and brought up in Tamil Nadu, India and residing in the USA for quite sometime with hubby and kids. Like most people I hardly entered the kitchen until after marriage and I was not even aware of my interest in cooking. My mom is an excellent cook and she is my inspiration. Most of my kitchen experiments happened the first 6 months of my marriage. Luckily I did not have big disasters and gradually gained confidence in cooking. It was also at that time I discovered that I love cooking because I was making a lot of things from scratch like pizza, naan, malai kofta, etc. Those things seem too simple now, but back then it was a big deal .
This blog was something that happened overnight thanks to my husband. Seeing my interest in cooking he suggested that I start a blog. Although I dismissed it a few times it stuck on to me and finally my blog was born. The interest in cooking expanded to photography to make the dishes presentable and gradually hubby and I decided to move to our own space “Cooks Joy”. I am excited to have you all here.
Being from the southern part of India I started off with the dishes I am familiar with, but have expanded to other cuisines as well. So you will find a variety of dishes from various cuisines and all of them are presented with step-by-step pictures to help everyone particularly newbies to cook. My motto is “Anyone can cook given the right instructions” and that is what you will find here at Cooks’ Joy.
Welcome to my kitchen and I hope you enjoy your stay here.
You can get in touch with me through comments or email me at vardhini(@)cooksjoy(.)com.