The bread baking bug has bit me and I have been experimenting with yeast breads in particular. It was baguettes today; soft bread with a crunchy crust. Baguettes are perfect for brushetta and also go well with soups. Since this was the first attempt at baguettes I had trouble rolling the dough. I later read that you have to handle the dough as less as possible like the ciabatta in order to keep the lovely air pockets. But I pretty much man handled the dough in an attempt to roll it
. For the first batch I also forgot the score the dough. Huh, I was in such a hurry.
It took a few tries to get the hang and I ended up with different size baguettes. You can make 3 long ones or 6 shorties. If you are like me, shape of the bread would not matter much and it is about taste after all right. After much thought I still decided to go ahead and post this, because I am happy with my first attempt. Will surely be making these again and hopefully I might be able to roll them a bit better
. The baguettes had a crunchy crust and the inside was soft. The ones that I did not man handle a lot had lovely air pockets too
. Recipe from here.
French baguettes

French baguettes
- bread flour - 7 cups
- water - 3 - 3 1/2 cups
- yeast - 5 tsp
- salt - 2 - 3 tsp
Form a dough with the ingredients. Allow to rest for 1 1/2 hours. Divide the dough into 3 or 6 pieces; pat each piece into a rectangle and fold it a couple of times over itself. Then roll the baguette to the desired length.
Place the rolled baguettes on a towel cradling each in fabric so they do not touch each other.
Allow to rise again for about an hour. Using a sharp knife score the bread with evenly distributed diagonal marks and bake in a 500F preheated oven for about 20 - 30 minutes until the top is brown and crusty.
1. To roll you can also make a letter fold with the rectangle. Fold the dough from top first. Then fold from bottom overlapping the top fold. Fold this once again over itself. Seal the seam and then roll into a baguette.
2. I baked the baguettes on a pizza stone that was also preheated.
1 year ago: Baked Zucchini Fritters
2 years ago: Brinjal Garlic Rice
1. Make a dough with the ingredients. The dough will not be stiff.

Baguettes ready.

wow so perfectly made baguettes
and love the clicks !!
looks good.. perfectly made
Wow-they look really authentic. you are so clever
perfectly made , I too want to try them sometime soon…