The first time I tasted brushetta was at “Olive Garden” restaurant a few years ago. We loved it and the added bonus was that my son liked it too. Since then I have made this at home with my combination of ingredients and it has been a complete hit every time. Adjust the ingredients according to taste and you can also add herbs of choice. Overall it is a very versatile dish and it was one of the few dishes that came to my mind for Kid’s Delight since my son loved it a lot. Off to the recipe.
Print Recipe
By July 10, 2012
Published:- Yield: 4 Servings
- Prep: 10 mins
- Cook: 5 mins
- Ready In: 15 mins
Brushetta topped with a mix of tomatoes, garlic, lemon juice, basil, olive oil, salt and pepper.
- 2 cups tomatoes (chopped)
- 2 garlic cloves (1 minced and 1 clove for the bread)
- 4 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp olive oil (plus more for drizzling over the bread)
- 3/4 tsp dry basil
- 1/4 tsp pepper (powder)
- 1/4 tsp salt
- bread (as needed - I used a baguette)
- In a bowl mix together tomatoes, 1 garlic clove minced, lemon juice, 1 tsp olive oil, salt, pepper and dry basil. Refrigerate for around 30 minutes to let the flavors mingle.
- Rub the bread slices with the other garlic clove and drizzle with olive oil.
- Broil the bread slices on low until the tops are browned. Top with the tomato mix and serve.
Tasty and healthy brushetta ready.
Sending to Deeps – Kid Recipes and Kitchen Chronicles – Only Vegan
Sending to Kid’s delight – Evening Snacks/Tiffin started by Valli.
Linking to Bake Fest #9 hosted by Pradnya
Really refreshing.
I have always eaten this in is so light and healthy..
Bruschetta with Tomatoes looks colorful and yummy…
Cuisine Delights
My Monthly Event – Spotlight : “Curries/ Gravies”
Sounds new to me…looks very tempting and colorful
Lovely clicks and a good recipe.
wonderfully made bruschetta and neat clicks
Super irresistible bruschetta, my fav.
wow it looks so simple and refreshing
My all time favorite snack..looks delicious