The first photo shoot did not go well as the saffron did not lend much color and all I saw was bland white objects. So there was a retake session and I was a little satisfied with the outcome. Walking in and out with all the items and the camera and also wearing a jacket is not fun . But I guess I have to deal with this for the next few months until it is bright and sunny again.
So this is of course a rich sweet and we enjoyed it. The rasmalais were soft and spongy and it was absolutely delicious.
The making of rasmalai involves few steps.
First is the making of paneer.
Then, you make rasagullas.
Finally, you prepare the ras to soak the rasagullas in.
Since this is a multi-step process, it would help if paneer is made the previous day itself and stored in fridge. Off to the recipe.
Ingredients – For Ras
3 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
Few cardamom
Few strands of saffron
Pista for garnish
1. Make rasagullas following my link. The quantity of milk for rasagullas depends on how much you want to make. I used about 10 cups of milk for making paneer for the rasagullas.
2. A shortcut way if you don’t want to prepare ras would be to use half and half. Simmer half and half for say 10 minutes and you can soak the rasagullas in it.
Let us prepare the ras. Take milk in a heavy bottom pan and add sugar to it.
Bring it to a boil and simmer. Keep stirring now and then.
Meanwhile soak the saffron in warm milk.
After about an hour, the milk has reduced to about 1/3rd of its volume. Add cardamom pods.
Add the saffron milk.
You can keep the milk aside and start on the rasagullas now. Pretty rasagullas.
Take each rasagulla and gently squeeze to remove some of the sugar water and then slide slowly into the reduced milk.
After a dip in the milk.
All the rasgullas are in milk.
That is it. Tasty and lip smacking rasmalai ready.
Linking to Pranati’s Yummy Dessert event.