It is October already and pretty soon it is going to be all about pumpkins. So, why not an event to celebrate the same? This event is not limited to just food, it is about anything you see fit for Halloween. You can send in carved pumpkins, spooky desserts, Halloween celebration pictures, costume pictures and so on. You get the idea right? I am excited to see what my fellow bloggers and non bloggers are going to come up with for this event. Now on to the rules.
To make it more global and since pumpkins play an important role in Halloween, any dish featuring pumpkin (Pumpkin pie, Pumpkin puree, Pumpkin sambar, etc. ) can be sent.
This event is going to run from October 1st to November 5th. Special events like these are going to be grouped under a series called “Zesty Palette Series (ZPS)”.
Now comes the rules for the event.
1. You can send in any post related to Halloween. It can be food related or it can be carving pumpkins or dressing up in costumes. Even if you are not blogging about it, you can send in your Halloween pictures and I will include those in the roundup.
2. If sending food items, please send in only vegetarian entries. The food item can be Halloween specific like spooky desserts or can be any dish featuring pumpkins like pumpkin sambar, etc. Eggs are allowed only in baking.
3. Posts must be linked to the event announcement.
4. Usage of the logo is appreciated.
5. Any number of entries can be sent. If sending archived entries, do link them with this announcement.
6. Non bloggers can also participate by emailing me their entries.
7. The last date for entries is November 5th 2011.
Please send in your entries with the subject “Halloween Fiesta 2011” by 5th November 2011 to vardhiniskitchen(at)gmail(dot)com with the following info.
Your Name:
Blog Name:
Recipe Name:
Recipe URL:
Recipe Photo (Please limit to max 300 pixels)
Looking forward to your participation friends.